Romanticism Java community life can now be enjoyed in practice. A tourism area in Kendal, Central Java, could be an option on the lives of people who miss the full simplicity.
Natural landscape consists of green hills with vast expanse of rice fields, surrounded by a small stream of clear, evocative feel senses. If impregnated further, there is only sound the wind makes the leaves rustling and birds singing in between. Meanwhile, the water flows slowly toward the rice field plots.
In the hills, lay a view no less charm, namely strawberry plantations and fishing pond. There is also a special field cultivation of medicinal plants, fruits, ornamental plants, and livestock barn.
Natural sensation of a Javanese village beautiful nan usually able to revive the atmosphere of fatigue due to busyness in everyday life.
The beauty of nature can be a source of inspiration and to refresh the memory due to routine work.
The atmosphere nature mountain with such a Javanese atmosphere can be found at "Kampoeng Sekatul Djowo" in Hamlet, Village Margosari, District Limbangan, Kendal district, Central Java Indonesia
With the land occupies about 12 hectares and right at the foot of Mount Ungaran, "Kampoeng Djowo" has beautiful natural scenery. Exotic nature more so because this location is surrounded by hills of temperate Medini cool with a vast expanse of tea plantations.
From the city of Semarang, "Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul" can be reached for 30 minutes by private car or public transportation.
From Kendal district, this object can be accessed through Kaliwungu detour through teak forest area KPH Kendal, PT Perkebunan Nusantara Merbuh, District of Cambodia, and the main road to warm water baths Nglimut, Gonoharjo.
Uniqueness Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul is to have six large buildings following joglo antiques, such as knick-knacks, decorations, ornaments, carvings, to the classical Javanese furniture that is still maintained very neat. Almost all of this collection of ancient Javanese architecture and hundreds of years old.
PR Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul Rusmilawati Elly said six major buildings are named Ndalem joglo Chart, Ndalem Bonokeling, Ndalem Joyokusumo, Ndalem Jayengan, Ndalem Gethuk, and Ndalem Saridin. "The six are rented as space joglo dhahar (eating), halfway house, where weddings, seminar rooms, as well as substations of view," he said.
The rates offered ranged up to 350,000 rupiah 75,000 rupiah per night. Special interior "Ndalem Gethuk", served in a classic Java theme with natural stone flooring and tub of pottery.
Rural atmosphere at a tourist attraction because it is more condensed electricity intentionally not presented. In every corner of the "village", there's only flame on the stove with kerosene or fuel-line Oncor Oncor (drill) as illumination. While the sound of "gamelan or siteran" always presented from the stage to accompany "sinden Madugondo" dealing with "Ndalem Bagan".
For the rest, a dozen small hall is also provided while enjoying a typical meal that invites a sense of Java.
Visitors can enjoy special food of Java, such as various Pepes, grilled fish, fried rice Jowo, salad Jowo, also "gudangan" or ointment.
Besides food, tourism presents Javanese drinks, including ginger. This kind of feels right beverage enjoyed in the mountains because it can warm the body is exposed to the cold mountain air. Drinks heated was called ginger syrup. Created with the basic ingredients of ginger, kapulogo, and spice mixture.
Edwin, 32, who is a visitor "Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul", said the place was very cool and impressive.
"There is not much tourist attraction that presents the atmosphere of the mountains and countryside, but his thick Javanese culture," he said.
Ancient Springs
Natural and fresh atmosphere was also obtained when the visitor down a path behind the village. Here there is a small "Belik" or spring water never stops flowing throughout the year.
When viewed from the flow, water is sourced from the crack rocks at the foot of Mount Ungaran. In the morning, water "Belik" it feels very warm, but in the daytime, the temperature of the water turned cold and cool.
According to the story, "Belik" has been there since the days of the kingdom of Kalinga, which in the 8th century AD. Citizens around the state had found the stone phallus near "Belik", which is believed to be relics of the kingdom of "Kalinga" inscription. But unfortunately, the existence of "inscriptions" were not known until now.
"Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul" also offers a nuanced rural agro tourism, the cultivation of medicinal plants, ornamental flowers, vanilla plantations, fresh strawberries that can be quoted directly, as well as fishing arena.
Forum for the children's playground is also available by maintaining the natural atmosphere of the mountains and rural Javanese.
Educational nature which is very useful for children is also available here, such as bathing water buffalo, plowing fields, planting rice, strawberry farming, making pottery, and painting caping. Children also can be trained in how to make brown sugar and make tofu and tempeh.
Do not miss the test games guts, such as flying fox, spider Webb, burma Cross, and the swing bridge is available in one package at the arena outbound. Tourism rural and mountainous areas of the camp is equipped facilities and a garden party facility located in hotspot areas.