

Problems seeking business idea is one major problem for prospective entrepreneurs. You may have or even often met people who expressed a desire to have their own business but never found the right business idea. And if we want, the business idea can be obtained from anywhere ranging from what we see in the environment, what we hear everyday, seeing the potential of yourself, observing the environment to mimic the efforts of others that have been successful.

In essence, the business idea can be selected from what is needed efforts to comply with these men, ranging from requirements relating to toe until the end of the hair, the need for primary, secondary and demand for luxury goods. But of course keep in mind that doing business in accordance with the character and hobbies we would be more fun, than the business that we do not like. We'll see from anywhere business ideas that we can get.

If you look at the environment around you,
so many and varied types of businesses that exist. You would think how these businesses initially got the idea for his business so they can run and grow today. But if you look, it turns out most of these efforts mimic other businesses that already exist, such as business internet café, shop, restaurant, service bureau, mini market, laundry, event organizer, and others. In realizing the business idea into a business, there is no imperative that the idea is really original, this idea could be just an extension of the existing business. It will require creativity from a prospective entrepreneurs.

Most prospective employers are stuck with the idea that business ideas should be original, other than the other. If you can get an original business idea, it was very nice. That means you can create a market, for example business process of the birth of a baby-making documentary, Baby Born, is a business that was created by entrepreneur market. Meanwhile, efforts that are already there is a business that was created because of market demand, which then entrepreneurs are trying to accomplish. For example, septic tank drain services business exists because many people who need his services. Salon business there because many people who need to take care of his body, shop building material made because many residents about the need of building materials to build and renovate houses, service bureaus handling letters is due to meet the needs of people who are lazy to deal with a complicated bureaucracy .

Strictly speaking, the success or failure of a business does not lie if the person as the inventor of a business idea or not, but rather the ability to optimize the specific advantages of their business ideas. The idea of selling donuts is not new. However, when you can deliver more value than other donuts in the market, both creations of form, content, size, and of course the taste, then you can offer something different and add value.

Business Inspiration

All we can see can be used as inspiration to build a business and make us richer. For example, if we see someone's body, we can explore business ideas from what we see from head to foot. For example, if you look at people's hair, we can make the salon business, hair clips, hair fertilizer, and others. If you look at the foot of a person, you can get the idea to open a reflexology massage service business, make business sandals and shoes, make rugs, and more. Also applies to what you see and notice around you.

People who could make everything he sees as the inspiration business may be classified as a party able to create a market. This is a special ability and should be owned by a businessman.

I often hear the opinion of the entrepreneur experts say that only 10% of successful business with a single step and on average, before finding a successful business, entrepreneurs have failed more than five times. This means that most entrepreneurs find the solution after trying to realize the business idea for the umpteenth time. That means the sooner people get the idea and realize the idea, he's also getting closer to success. For me, that argument is true, but on the other side a little whether it could discourage prospective novice businessman, then from this information that was deliberately arranged for you as a prospective entrepreneurs to get enough stock of knowledge and can prepare themselves before plunging into the world attempt to reach success and could face the worst situation that may occur, so you know what to do in order to prevent failures trying.

Developing a Business Idea

Business ideas were scattered everywhere. Many types of businesses that are around you indicate that business ideas can be obtained from meeting the needs of people living in the vicinity. You can imagine the needs of your life so far, then you can think of who can already take advantage of your need to get a fortune from you. I am sure your needs are generally similar to the needs of other people including me.

Potential business idea we should not look to really squeeze the brain or meditate to wait for a revelation from heaven. Here are some field providers of business ideas that you can dig:

1). Know Your self

Please identify yourself. Find hobbies, hobby, skills, personal networks, as well as the potential for yourself that you can trick into a profitable business activity. Many examples of successful entrepreneurs with ' comercializing ' himself.

a. Idea of Employment and Skills.
The skills that we already have and develop and work for so long we have been diligently working on a rich source of ideas right business for us. The reason? From this instinct of our business was formed and nurtured. Many people choose a business idea of the work they have done and the skills they already possess. For example one employee who had worked at a travel agent and became operations manager at the company before eventually plunging to build its own travel agent. From this work, he developed technical skills and management, and develop a network of acquaintance with the right people who should be contacted in the business he was doing it. Another example, someone who also worked in a bakery, so he has the expertise to make any kind of bread and studied business management, so decided to create his own bakery. Try to think about what business in accordance with the job and your current skills and if suitable for your running in your environment.

b.Ide of Interests and Hobbies.
Business ideas can also be started from something that you are familiar with either an interest or hobby you have. Both of these are sources that have a powerful force in building the confidence and motivation for us to start a business. Most people do not feel burdened to do what he likes and familiar. This is a strong capital for an entrepreneur who pursue the world that indeed he loved. If the little likes to make cakes or cooking, can make about the food business, if you like good music and play it, can go to music schools and music studios. A few national sportsman like Susi Susanti, Elfi Nasution, and Ade Rai, expand their businesses on track in accordance with the interests, hobbies, and work experience: a coach, opening up a sports school, sports equipment shop and fitness center. Even if your communication and sociable hobby why not make the event organizer, now many companies or individuals who use its services.

c. The idea of the experience.
Experience and knowledge are drawn previously provided a solid foundation for the birth of ideas and puts them into a business, and management procedures ranging from producing goods to market it to consumers. Not only the experiences themselves, but also the experience of others in addition to being a good teacher, is also a rich source of business ideas. If the experience was a bad experience, then of course we do not want that experience repeated. We will try to find a way of "new" to avoid difficulties and problems we've ever experienced. The road is what spurred the emergence of new business ideas are brilliant. For example, put the word you are a civilian contractor employees who have frequent contact with suppliers of materials and labor foremen. Why not use the experience and network to make a small contracting business serving the construction of houses around you?

2). Nearest Observe Environmental Needs

Apart from experience, observation was also a source of business ideas inexhaustible. From the observation of everything going on around us, we can find the market needs that have not been met, or were met but not satisfying consumers, who can make our business opportunities. In fact, this observation is a skill that must be owned by a businessman. In principle, the identification of unmet need is the concept of an effort to build the business. From these observations, a lot of business ideas and business opportunities that could continue to be extracted to be developed. Example of the results of observations on society, we can see and identify many busy parents who do not allow them to take shuttle their children so that school shuttle service needs of school children is a business opportunity that can be run.

Many successful entrepreneurs who got the idea of knowing the needs of the business itself and the immediate environment. Employers toilet drain and water lines started his business because he saw the opportunity first of its needs are not met. Beauty salon entrepreneur started her business because it needs a lot of himself in the care of his body, making it the business idea. Entrepreneur rice shop, also started his business because his needs and those around housing will be ready meals less fulfilled.

If you live in the housing sphere, surely you observe that the needs of entertainment for children is high. But so far no place that provides such a facility, the only in supermarkets and malls that are far from the neighborhood. If you have the capital to create a place of entertainment or playground children with complete facilities, must have many children and parents who come to have fun. They do not have to go far to please kids.

3). The idea of the Mass Media

If you are looking for business ideas, mass media can be a source of business ideas. By listening to weather forecasts, for example, may be conceived the idea in our heads to produce an inexpensive coat motorcycle. Upon learning more and jammed the streets of Jakarta because of the addition of busway lane, could be an idea for you to sell fast food breakfast that can be eaten while car drivers jammed roads.
Another example, news of fuel price increases and plans to increase electricity tariffs have been used since employers are keen to market energy-saving products. The rise of motorcycle theft has also been used electronics experts to produce and sell additional motorcycle safety system.

His opinion, this business associated with the 'precision timing' in starting a business that is an important component of business success or failure. Of course we will not sell boats or rubber raincoat in the dry season or vice versa jazzed sell ice in the winter or rainy season.

But there's one thing you must remember when to seek ideas from the mass media. Do not be easily influenced by the articles that tell about their own business opportunities. You see, a story about an opportunity like that would also read a lot of people interested in part also to imitate him. Finally, this opportunity could not be a chance again because too much supply.

4). Ideas from Various Newspapers and Yellow Pages Ads

Page advertisements in newspapers, magazines, tabloids, internet and phone book not only provides phone numbers and addresses. If you look, there is presented information on various forms of business. Well, who knows some of them according to your competence? Or, who knows some of them in accordance with market segmentation you know? If you do, you just need to consider whether a similar business can be your stretcher and make happen in your own environment.

If you intend to make advertisements in the media and the phone book as a source of inspiration, select the media or other local phone book from that class, or equivalent area of residence. Observe also the character of prospective customers. If it's similar, you just need the courage to imitate him.

5). Business Ideas From Other People's Failure and Success.

The wise man said "Learn from the failure of others." Nothing wrong with learning from a failed business. Why? Because there is a possibility we could start with success. Business failures of others, is an important lesson for you to correct the wrong path to be true and even better. However, learning from the success was highly recommended, because then you have learned to start a system that has proven successful.

6). Ideas From Books, Magazines and Tabloids.

Source of knowledge and business experience we can not only from working on any particular company, because now so many sources of knowledge and business experience we can get. If you are diligent to the bookstore, or the palm of a magazine, quite a lot of books, magazines and tabloids published that discussed the entrepreneurial and also provides information about business opportunities, the experience of entrepreneurs, business tips and tricks that can refresh your mind , so you can freely choose, what business in accordance with the character and abilities. Some recommendations for you, and worth reading are: Tabloid Business Opportunities, Entrepreneur Magazine, Money Magazine, Tabloid Cash. From tabloid and magazine you will get lots of business ideas. For example: to serve the needs, sell retail, sell invention, the duplication of efforts, selling skills, business training, business agency, collectibles, open office consultant, Multi Level Marketing business, buy a franchise, buying a prospective business, buying a bankrupt business, open a kiosk, or even joint venture.
A beginner entrepreneurs are also advised to always be creative and observant with the business being operated, it means always to diversify the product or product development in order to have more variants with ways to innovate on products and services that already exist and do the creation for new products never before, so that consumers are not saturated. One way could be reached by visiting similar efforts in other areas, so you can judge if the excess of what you can do to your product by conducting opinion surveys through the card or interacting with customers, so you know how far your products or services can satisfy the consumer, what is really cool customer, and what are the shortcomings of products and services you need to be addressed and improved. One more thing to remember for a business that will be run must be in accordance with existing regulations. Better not to violate regulations. Do not because you want to get great benefits our business and pirated goods, counterfeit goods or other prohibited items sell. And do not ever commit fraud and cheating. Moreover, to profit, in fact we could go to jail.