The so-called living subject is a human being normally or commonly called HUMAN. But often heard people say a pair of pigeons are making love. So that love actually is not a human monopoly.
In the Indonesian language, people often argue among love, love and affection. Those who are demanding romantic couple, do not just enough with love and affection. Love seemed to have higher positions of other actors more favor such love and affection to give formula in a family, or behavior that is run in a society when a person or the community want to express out his heart to other communities. While scientists had come up with another language, for them, love and affection have a gradation, a knowledge of the plume, which is imported from the other side.
But certainly when you're working, there will be a love, and there is a loved one, whether entered into reciprocal or not.
This time it was talking about was love at work in human beings. Tracing the knowledge of experts, in which he said eros lowest gradation, when a balance, then they are subject, because when "I LOVE YOU" goes according to expectations, it means getting a reply, it will happen "YOU LOVE ME" are also pronounced I LOVE YOU. One of them just really only becomes an object only, if there is such thing imbalance. I love you not get a reply. Love walked in one direction. There is no "subject to subject". There is an object but instead subjects that suffer.
While the behavior of philia love in the context of Indonesian nationhood today, need to get the reflection with a variety of questions that sued.
In practice, if there is a defense for the sake of a love, society is difficult to accept if it is truly an application of love.
A person or group of people who practice love by giving assistance to another person or group of people, it is questionable why really want to help and so forth. A sincere defense of his colleague, also questioned what the motivation anyway undisclosed.
Because in fact, many people do prefer to be the object. By doing something, hopefully not the subject of the perpetrator, but instead hopes to become the object of attention of many, so if it comes to sincerity of love, people no longer trust him.
When and how love can really be accepted as love, and did it purely as a subject, is a question that needs an answer